Friday, April 6, 2012

Facilitating easing through more red tape in advance....

Wednesday I made some more progress and I had begun to feel a little more like myself again but still in discomfort while sitting in the car, which I had to do a lot that day! We had made arrangements while still back at home to meet with another solicitor who came recommended from a number of sources who had done good work for other people on house purchases etc. Having heard a lot about horror stories of people making poor desicions relating to buying homes and not making the correct checks etc we were not wanting to leave anything to chance as this was going to be our home for life and we don't want anything unforseen or unchecked to screw it up!

Our chosen solicitor is a lovely Spanish lady and she was VERY helpful. She covered a lot of ground with us in the preliminary meeting andh we were under no obligation to take her up on her services either. She even asked if we were married or in a civil partnership and explained the advantages of that for inheritance. This was without any hint of judgement or prejudice, she just took it in her stride which seems to be the attitude here, very live and let live. Bear in mind Spain is a Catholic country too! We left feeling very confident in her and look forward to working closely with her in the future for all things we might need guidance for as red tape here can be a bit of a nightmare if you don't follow all the steps required. So she will dot the i's and cross the t's for us and we'll be fine. We then finally got sorted out around the corner from her office with a mobile broadband sim and got the information needed for me to activate it later once we were back at the apartment. So now we have internet access too and hence decided to go for a blog to post up experiences, pictures and news etc for our friends back home! On the way back to Turre we detoured via Mojácar Playa and touched base with one of the Estate Agents who we will be going out with on Monday to see houses.

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