Sunday, July 22, 2012

Walks around the neighbourhood part 2

Heading off on another walk of discovery this time with more views over our access road and the hills going up towards Bedar this shows the other side of our hillock structure.

Not all the roads around our area are tarmaced, this road comes away from a local rural bed and  breakfast place above out home. Lovely views of course!
Not all the roads around our area are tarmaced, this road comes away from a local rural bed and
breakfast place above out home. Lovely views of course!
Another view coming down from the rural B&B showing our main access road that snakes around the hills and valleys.
Another view coming down from the rural B&B showing our main access road that snakes around the hills and valleys.

Stuart walking down the hill descent towards the proper road leading to our road to our house.
Stuart walking down the hill descent towards the proper road leading to our road to our house.

More views above showing our snaking, undulating access road! Visitors are warned!
More views above showing our snaking, undulating access road! Visitors are warned!

Another view above showing our snaking, undulating access road! Some more of the enclaves of  houses near Bedar on the hills above!
Another view above showing our snaking, undulating access road! Some more of the enclaves of
houses near Bedar on the hills above! 

An unfinished house with already built approach road. A testament to the downturn in the Spanish housing market.
An unfinished house with already built approach road. A testament to the downturn in the Spanish housing market.

The full sized unfinished house with already built approach road. This is a huge plot with water piped in and nothing else done with it beyond the concrete shell. It's views are crappy though which might explain it not being finished!
The full sized unfinished house with already built approach road. This is a huge plot with water piped in and nothing else done with it beyond the concrete shell. It's views are crappy though which might explain it not being finished!

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