Saturday, May 19, 2012

Coming into the home strait.....

The rest of the week has in comparision been much more relaxed than Tuesday was! On Wednesday after visiting the gym in Vera we went to Mer-K-Muebles to pay off the furniture we have on order there and make sure they were going to deliver when we expected. They assured us they would, but there was a possibility a coffee table we had on order might not be there by then. As we are in Vera at least three times a week and the table would fit comfortably in the car we said do not wait for that to come in before delivering! The TV stand and our main dining table and chairs were of far more importance to us than waiting for that to arrive!  On the Thursday we went into Ferriteria Lopez in Mojácar Playa and checked on the status of our sun loungers and cushions we'd ordered, plus we also picked up a nice electric blender as we'd missed that while up in Lorca!

Friday we managed to sort out a rather interesting option for getting UK TV channels, I'm not going to expand on this but I'll say it is very complete and extremely reasonably priced! We'll pick up the box we need for that on Monday or Tuesday next week which falls nicely for when we get the keys!

Saturday we had arranged to go up to the house with a local firm HealthyH2O to check it out for installing two of their products a "Scale Buster" which is installed in line with the water supply pipe and puts two filters in place to remove limescale from the water here to help protect things like our washing machine, toilet cisterns, pipes etc. The water in the area is supposed to be "potable" i.e. drinkable. It conforms to EEC standards set but doesn't always exceed them like water does in the UK for instance. What this invariably means is although it is safe to drink it has a funny taste and might contain minerals that might not always be easy on a non-native's stomach! So one of the other things we want to get fitted with is a "Reverse Osmosis" water filter. The water is passed through 5 filters including a very fine membrane which removes almost all impurities. This is an on demand system so it is great for drawing off perfectly drinkable water in the kitchen. This also means washing salad and vegetables, making our own ice cubes etc won't have to be from bottled water in the future then either! 

A new panorama shot taken today at the house 19/05/12
A new panorama shot taken today at the house 19/05/12
We had pre-arranged to make a call to the owners so one of them would be there to let us into the house. As it was Ann was there cleaning the place to make it presentable for us to come into on Monday! They had actually moved out all of their stuff into a rental property on the previous Wednesday so we got to see a very bare empty house for the first time! It was extremely echoey with nothing in it and gave us a very strange view as strangely the rooms looked smaller with no furniture in - an illusion as it is a decent sized house indeed! They had also repainted all the balustrades as we'd asked for so the external finish was looking very neat! While I was there I had finally managed to perfect using a panorama feature on my newly upgraded phone operating system so I took a real view of the view from our new driveway - I hope you'll agree it is a beautiful view! The coastline and sea is visible along with Mojácar Pueblo, Turre in the valley below along with lots of the hills and mountains surrounding our new home.


  1. A decent sized house to a Brit is quite different for an American. While I love our new house, it is less than half the size of my 3070 square foot house in Arizona. That makes it very cozy. What is not counted in the square footage of our Bedar house is the very large screened in patio area. This trip we did notice that the lounge/family room lacked a ceiling fan. We plan to have one installed and also one in the screened in patio.

  2. One of the reasons we returned to the house on Saturday was to check to see if the balustrades had been painted, which they were. Had they not been, we would have with-held 2000 euros at closing for them to get done.
